Today a bunch of really awesome things happened.
In the morning I was able to
present one part of Scientology to my class.
Having worked on this presentation for a really long time and getting involved in the subject, I was super excited to talk about it. Even though my prezi presentation didn't work for some reason, google was a good enough source for all the things I needed. Thank you Scientologists for making really pretty LRH life-timelines with pictures. I've always been a perfectionist, but lately it has been showing more and more. If I decide to do something, it has to be good. It not only for the sake of others, but mostly for myself. And I feel that through spending hours and hours researching for example Scientology or Switzerland or any other matter, you just become much more open to new interesting ideas and information...the sheer knowledge absorbed in this kind of self-initiated learning is just amazing. Everything is in the mind. If you trick yourself into loving something, eventually you will start to actually enjoy what you do. That's what I did with French. No one can help you but yourself. Having been told by teachers, parents, important knowledge is, nothing changes until you tell it to yourself.
Anyway, after school, me and
Vida were supposed to go for a coffee for her birthday (my treat), but we ended up going on lunch first. The salads were amazing and I really had a great time just talking to her and enjoying her company. She ended up paying for the lunch and Ii still owe her a coffee. Oh life. After that we had some time to kill, so we wondered the streets of Ljubljana, looking for nothing in particular. We
stumbled across a photography exhibition, hidden in the first floor of an inconspicuous old building. There were some works that we really liked, like photographs by
Roberto Kusterle, a Slovene photographer, living in Italy. The idea behind his work and the execution were just astonishing. Later on I spotted a pair of unusual flats in a display window. It's structure reminded me strongly of
the Lo Res Pump by United nude,
a shoe that I have been obsessing over about a year ago. We went to the store and there they were. The shoes I have only seen on the internet. The reason why I was so startled and amazed is because this has been the first time i saw a designer shoe that I loved in a Slovenian store (there are no Jeffrey Campbell stores here D:). unfortunately they did not have them in mint colour, or my size, but I still tried them on. <3
Next thing was attending a
recital of chosen haikus in Slovene and English language and receiving an award for writing one of the best haikus in French. They even printed a book, publishing the haiku.
C'est tôt le matin
je suis partie avec mon chien
la calme nous plaît.
Rough translation, Its early in the morning - I left with the dog - the calm pleases us. Even though it was not written in a really emotional state or on an actual quiet morning, it was really amusing to read editors comment on my haiku, explaining it. They just made it sound much more deep and thought through, even though it was just a scribble during a period of French.

My last happy thing today would be
obtaining a collection of 6 old Russian postcards, dating back to 1977. I bought them 50 cents each in a local antiquariat. They each represent a different flag of the Soviet Socialist Republic accompanied by their national patterns and symbols. I thought they were really beautiful, and I will definitely be able to use them in my Postcrossing project.
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