četrtek, 29. maj 2014

DAY 63

29.5.2014 In spite of spending most of my day studying either in school or in the Slovenian technical library NUK. Today was a good day. I got to experience sunshine and the feeling of summer while going to the city. It was magical. As per usual I bought myself a sandwich. Tomato, mozzarella and salad -best combination, the only thing would wish to avoid(but can't) would be the sauces that somehow always wind up inide the generic groceries store sandwitches. Why? D: they are not tasty nor healthy. Anyhow, things that I'm still ponering over while sitting on a bus station, waiting for my ride home are the amazing platform boots with this kind of puzzle texture, I found in a vintage store that I've always walked by, but never entered (till now); the impactful thunder shaking up the spacious reading room so hard, that I thougt the windows were about to carck and last but not least, witnessing the serene silence and calm in the reading room just before its closure at 22.00 and then wodering around our beautiful capital city, alone in the evening, no music just  muted traffic in the backgroud.

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