Parties and bbqs - days 3&4
Having arrived here only 4 days ago I can say I have attended a birthday party, 2 BBQs and a wedding anniversary lunch. Can't say I'm complaining. On Sunday we first visited a lovely Chinese birthday party of a family friend. Not knowing we were attending it, I had put on my 10cm platforms. All I can say is that it was a bad decision. On top of being white, foreigner not even directly connected the person celebrating, I was about 30 to 40 cm higher than everyone there. After sitting down and getting familiar with some of the guests I got treated to the best Chinese food I've had in my life. Ater all it was all homemade <3
After that Tim's mom dropped us off at a BBQ party organised by Tim's friend. Well, mentioning food briefly - Indian dishes, grilled chicken and marshmallows with digestives in the evening. Nom. Even though I did not know anyone upon arrival by the end of the day I've managed to meet and talk to some super interesting, friendlyand really smart people - they are all studying physics, maths or medicine ;) Oh and Tim got thrown into the pool - apparently by now, it's a tradition.
I also got to try moonshoes - I'll refer to them as kangaroo shoes,they make you feel much more like a kangaroo, rather than a person walking on the moon - in my opinion. I've seen these online at some point ( ). I did like them, but I was sure I wasn't going to buy them any time soon, I also didn't know anyone who had them or even heard of the so I got them out of my head. Turns out their family had a pair... and I could try them on. I did. They were really fun and not that unstable at all, really cool to run with them and just be super tall ;D
Today was a special day, sine I was invited along to celebrate awedding anniversary in a really expensive restaurant. I don't think I would ever go there on my one let alone with my family. The service and the food were worth it though. Also got to enjoy a nice sunny walk along the Thames in Richmond, apparently a really expensive region popular amongst celebrities, well I sure felt like one :).
OdgovoriIzbrišiI really enjoy reading your adventures :-) Have fun, Stay in touch :-)