Succesfully arived to London - DAYS 1&2
I've had some of the worst and best moments since I started flying on this particular flight. The clouds were absolutely magical and I got to see Šmarna Gora from the air, since we had to circle around it and I conveniently had a window seat on the rightside of the plane. Unfortunately, it was all forgotten the second I got stopped by the Stansted airport security and thoroughly questioned about my intentions, place of study, apartement....Apparently two big suitcases mean I'm trying to illegally move into the country, oh well...

Next day me and Tim decided to go to Kingston for no particularreason (well to get Millies cookies and Krispy Kreme doughnuts ^^). I didn't realise Themze could offer such a peaceful fairy tale likeatmosphere, since I'm only used to the gigantic river canal going through the centre of London. There were swans, it was sunny, just the right temperature, anyone even went swimming. I couldn't have wished for a better afternoon relaxation.
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