ponedeljek, 30. junij 2014

DAY 64*

Yesterday, I fell asleep aroud 8pm. I just felt really tired, I dint even know why ._.  ...and ended up waking up at 3:15 am with no intention of going back to sleep. I decided that I'm going to atempt catching the sunrise on top on Šmarna gora. The sunrise was scheduled for 5:15 in the morning, and I was out of the house by 3:55. I drove off to Tacen on  Soruru (my electric motorbike^^), because I wasn't sure about the condition my local path was in. I started walking at 4:10 and arrived at the top at 4:46. The view was just amazing. After 5 am other people were starting to show up. I ate my breakfast, took some pictures and waited.

The sunrise was accompanied by light drizzle and out of nowhere this amazing huge double rainbow appeared and stayed vivid and just breathtaking for about 30 min. The whole semi circle was visible (actually even more, probably about 200°), but it was all in all to big for my camera.

Anyway, when the sun hid behind the clouds and the rainbow disappeared, I decided to leave and get home before rain. I didn't make it. It started pouring while I was walking home but I wasn't quite drenched until I had to drive home on my motorbike.I couldn't have started my day any better^^

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